PhD Student
Teresa Mancuso
Teresa Mancuso is a 2nd Year PhD Student in Biomarkers of Chronic and Complex Diseases (curriculum in cardiopulmonary diseases and biotechnological and engineering solutions for regenerative medicine) at University of Catanzaro Magna Graecia.
She obtained the Bachelor Degree as Biomedical Laboratory Technician in November 2013 at the Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, and obtained the Master Philosophy (M.Phil.) Degree in “Autopsies’ Techniques and Diagnostic and Histopathological, Microbiological and Radiological Procedures” at the Catholic University “Sacro Cuore” in Rome in March 2015. In 2018, Teresa obtained her Master Degree in Medical, Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies discussing the thesis entitled “c-kit Haploinsufficiency Impairs the Endogenous Regenerative Potential of Adult CSCs”.
In 2014, Teresa joined the MACC LAB as laboratory technician, and then she continued her work in the Lab as M.S. student to complete her thesis.
She has a significant track-record and skill in histology and immunohistochemistry, being already highly-trained in light as well as fluorescence microscopy. Currently, she is focusing her PhD activities acquiring new skills both in molecular biology as well as in animal studies in vivo.